The original trial, held in the Civil Division of Superior Court in New Brunswick, dragged on for 6 weeks. The following rulings for compensation were issued: Walter L. Patton, $514,220; the estate of Harry H. Wilson, $76,102; and the estate of Walter W. Grube, $259,045.
The defendant, Scapa Dryer Fabrics, Inc., a manufacturer of the felts that dried the wet rolls of paper on the mill’s paper machines, argued that the rulings for compensation were too large and appealed the awards, claiming that the jury had failed to account for the liability to the other defendants due to some errors in the trial. The appeal was dismissed on the grounds that it was “without merit.”
The dryer felts that the men worked with contained asbestos, the dangerous mineral that can cause mesothelioma. Despite the fact that Scapa knew asbestos could be released from the felts, the company failed to place warning labels on them, and the men were never instructed to take any specific precautions related to asbestos around the machines.
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