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Asbestos exposure at General Motors

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A former worker at the General Motors production plant in Michigan may have contracted mesothelioma lung cancer due to years of asbestos exposure.

Though the man retired from GM almost 20 years ago, his daughter strongly believes that his recent diagnoses of lung, brain, and bladder cancer are tied to the asbestos fibers in the pipes and boilers at the plant. It is likely that the man has in fact contracted mesothelioma after too many long days working in the foundry and assembling units for the car company.

To strengthen their case, the plant where he worked at was torn down because it was laden with asbestos. The plant was situated in the middle of town—during demolition, asbestos fibers could have gotten into the air. Several other former employees of the Michigan plant have been diagnosed with asbestos related illnesses.

Right now, people who have asbestos-injury claims against GM are fighting against the government-supported plan to sell the company. Since the company owes them money, these people hold a stake in GM and have so far been left out of negotiations. Sale of GM could be unconstitutional if these claimants remain unrepresented.


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