Some materials that use asbestos still today include roofing mastics and flooring materials. Also, some brake linings in vehicles still use asbestos.
Another misconception about asbestos fibers is the belief that asbestos in ceiling textures was banned during the 1970s. Although a ban was put into affect in 1978, instillation of the asbestos textures remained legal since banning it would have meant major financial losses for manufacturers. So, the installation of the ceilings continued into the 1980s until the supply ran out.
If you or someone you know is trying to remove older ceilings such as “popcorn” ceilings, you should have the ceilings inspected for asbestos. If you remove the ceilings and there was asbestos present, then the asbestos is released into the air where anyone can inhale it. There is no way of knowing whether you inhaled asbestos fibers or not. In fact, many people inhale small amounts of asbestos fibers without knowing it. Since the amount is small, the chances of forming mesothelioma are slim.
However, there is no “safe” level of asbestos exposure. Any exposure could lead to asbestosis or mesothelioma and that diagnosis might not come for decades.
Asbestos fibers are microscopic and cannot be seen by the human eye. It should never be assumed that a ceiling does not have asbestos fibers until tests are run. The cost to have lab tests done is very reasonable and should be conducted by anyone who is removing older ceilings.
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