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Mesothelioma Linked by Different Locations

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Mesothelioma affects different geographic locations differently. Industrial development is a good indicator of the disease because of high asbestos exposure rates.

There are certain regions of the U.S. that have high mesothelioma rates. One example is along the coasts where ship-building industries were active during World War II. Another example is in North Carolina where there are high mesothelioma rates thanks to asbestosin the textile industry.

Finally, smelters, oil refineries and chemical plants tend to use a lot of asbestos as a heat shield. When the asbestos breaks down and asbestos fibers become airborne, workers are exposed to asbestos in the asbestos dust.

Mesothelioma has also been very common near Libby, Montana where asbestos contamination was found around the W.R. Grace vermiculite mine. Many people have died from the disease since it began to appear in the community.

Asbestos exposure is the main cause of mesothelioma. It also can lead to lung cancer and lung diseases like asbestosis. So, if many mesothelioma cases are reported from one area, there is a very good chance that there is asbestos exposure nearby.


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